Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Latest Happy-Haps!

I finished my first semester of graduate school today without a hitch. I'm really excited about that. Managed to get A's in Managerial Economics, Corporate Tax, and Auditing II. I got an A- in Advanced Managerial Accounting, which is definitely NOT the end of the world. :) I managed to keep a high enough GPA to keep my assistantship and tuition waiver. Yay!

Ryan is finished with the semester as well, which is awesome. I'm sure he feels good to be done as well. He did well this semester, he only has one class that he thinks he'll get an A- or B+ in. That's not too shabby! He's excited for next semester already. It's so fun to see him excited for school. Now that he's switched majors -- to finance -- he's much happier about school. It's so great to see.

Ryan and I are celebrating our Christmas tomorrow night. I'm very excited. It's so nice to spend some time together and cook some good food together. Giving gifts isn't bad either! Haha! I'm giving him a portable bike stand so that he doesn't always have to go into the shop to work on his bike. He already knows what he is getting though... I had to have him pick out what he wanted so I wouldn't get it wrong.

On Saturday, we're driving out to CA to take Ryan out there for Christmas break. I'll be able to stay out there for four days. I'm excited to do a little traveling, it's been a while since I have. I love seeing new things. We're taking a new route out there this trip because we're going to try to avoid a nasty snow storm in Reno/Tahoe. So, we're going to take the southern route -- to LA and up through Fresno to Sacramento. We're going to try to do it in one day. It'll be an adventure, that's for sure.

I hope Christmas with my family goes without any trouble. It seems like there is always something wrong with somebody in my family -- somebody's feelings are hurt, somebody is grumpy, or somebody is being mean. I think I'm just going to cuddle up with a good book for most of break. I'll only be home for twelve days before I get to go back out to CA for Ry's birthday. I can make it, I'm sure.

The second weekend in January, Ricky and Erika are going to come up and spend the weekend at our apartment. It'll be a little birthday party for Ryan and Erika! Ry and I are very excited! We're hoping that the weather is good enough to go snow tubing up at Brian Head on that Saturday. It will be so much fun to spend time with some great friends. I'm glad we have found such good friends in Ricky and Erika. It's so refreshing to spend time with another couple and do fun things all together. I hope we can find some good new recipes to try. I'll keep my eyes out. :) We also gave them a dessert book for Christmas, so maybe we'll get to try some yummy new recipes from their book!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Here We Go

Well, I'm going to try this again... I've started a blog once before, but it just kinda died out. I thought it could be a way for myself to vent and de-stress. So, here we go.